Sweet and Bitter: An Advanced Study

(Posted on August 27, 2014 by David McMillin)

[NOTE: While serving as mentor for an online version of "A Search For God" study group and working on the Oppportunty lesson, a class member struggled with the "Sweet and Bitter" exercise. Here is my reply. – David McMillin]

... it’s good that you are wrestling with this concept. Actually, when the first study group asked whether a study of the Revelation should be included as part of the ASFG material, they were told that the Revelation is an advanced study and may be too deep for people just getting started with the material:

“(Q) Should we study to present with this lesson [Destiny of the Body] an understanding of the Book of Revelation? If so, how?
(A) Not necessarily; for one is as the spiritual body, that is given in symbolic activity for the learned, while we are beginning with babes!” (262-86)

And yet, one of the members of that first study group was led to include a study of the Revelation as part of her Search for God for this lesson on Opportunity.

Since many of the e-group members for these lessons have considerable study group experience, I decided to include this advanced exercise on SWEET and BITTER from the Revelation as part of this lesson. So the fact that you are wrestling with it in such a deep way indicates that you are probably ready for it.

Essentially, we need purification and that can be a painful process as we let go of selfish patterns that we think we need to thrive and survive in this material world.

And yet we feel the urge to become more spiritual. That urge to become more spiritual is SWEET in mind to contemplate; SWEET in the mouth to discuss.

When we have to APPLY spiritual principles in our daily lives (YES, APPLICATION!!!!), it is not always so easy. That’s where the BITTERNESS comes in.

“It [the little book in John’s Revelation] is very beautiful to look upon, very beautiful to be desired; but in the application of same at times very bitter….” (281-32)

The BITTERNESS COMES FROM THE PURIFICATION OF OUR OWN SELFISHNESS. It’s the self-centered stuff within us that is being purged and released.

The selfish, egotistical part of our self needs healing but doesn’t necessarily want to let go. So it blames others for the resistance that sometimes comes to the surface when we try to live (APPLY) our spirituality. This is projection that shows up in the Mirror of Life (Know Thyself, lesson 2 ASFG I). We are only meeting our own self, but we don’t want to own up to some of the negativity. Also, some of the patterns that are being changed relate to habitual carnal desires and attachments to flesh in various forms. We don’t want to let go and give it up for the sake of the SWEET spiritual ideal that we have claimed. All of this can lead to emotional BITTERNESS within.

If we stick with the process and allow ourselves to purified of the drosses within, then, yes the SWEETNESS comes back. Peace and joy reigns, just as in John’s Revelation – The New Jerusalem – Enlightenment.

You will find this pattern of SWEET and BITTER initiation in any organization that promotes a high ideal (such as churches and political parties). I have witnessed many, many SWEET and BITTER spiritual initiations in others over the years at the A.R.E. in Virginia Beach (and underwent a powerful initiation myself the first year I lived here and became active with the organization). That’s probably why the A.R.E. is sometimes called a “karma wheel.” It just provides an Opportunity to meet ourselves and be purified. Thus it is a place of spiritual initiation and sacred transformation.

Here is a link to a video on Sweet and Bitter.

There is an entire lesson on spiritual Initiation in SFG 3 on my website: Initiation

There is also a Resource article for this exercise: Sweet and Bitter Opportunities

Just stick with the process and it will make sense if you are ready for this advanced lesson in your Search for God.

Blessings, Dave